Retro Relapse: Bitch, Eat a Cheeseburger

RETRO RELAPSE is a series of older articles from various places where I used to write before Talking Pulp.

*Written in 2014.

I am fortunate enough to have a lot of attractive female friends; I don’t say that to brag or to paint myself as the pimp of the year. I just happen to know pretty chicks and have built up a good rapport with them because it really isn’t that hard if you are yourself and not a complete douche or an emasculated wuss. But trashing douches and wusses isn’t the point of this post, the point is to discuss what I’ve noticed and experienced with some of these ladies and their apparent body image issues.

A lot of women seem to think that starving themselves and being as skinny as possible is attractive. Well, it isn’t. In fact, it is kind of gross. To be clear, skinny girls in general aren’t gross. I’m talking about that special breed who obsess over their thinness to the point of looking like a starving child in a third world country. To be blunt, most guys I know don’t want to fuck a bag of bones. Truthfully, your apparent fragility frightens us.

So what is responsible for this disturbing trend? One could blame the trash magazines at the grocery store checkout or reality television or whatever other pop culture scapegoat that is too easy to point at. The problem is much deeper than that, however, and I think that those things aren’t the root of the issue. They certainly magnify it and add to the crisis but the root seems to come from a massive desire by many women to live up to impossible expectations, not set by men but set by other women. In the way that dude bros are overly competitive in the gym at becoming freak beasts, many women are overly competitive at trying to look as thin as humanly possible without actually dying. Well in most cases, because some women have died from this behavior.

Now they don’t do it to attract a mate, even though they might believe that that is their real motivation, they do it to be better than their friends – to look the thinnest and hottest at the beach or the tofu barbecue pool party. It certainly isn’t for us guys and if it was, it’d be pretty idiotic considering that most of us aren’t envisioning ourselves as the male co-star in some sicko starvation porn.

Personally, I like a woman with curves and hips and a shapely figure, not a woman that looks like tits on a stick. Most normal dudes I talk to, feel the same way. I do have one friend though that likes anorexic looking girls. But that’s just because he sees such girls as hot due to the fact that it implies that they’ve got issues; he’s attracted to unpredictable and crazy birds. I mean, if that’s the dude you want, ladies, then stick to your plan of eating raw kale with celery flakes while trying not to pass out from exhaustion on the elliptical.

I’m not saying all this to be a dick, I’m saying it so that you stop trying so hard to become a living fantasy. Us guys don’t care and those of us who may press you into harboring these insecurities that you aren’t good enough because you simply looked at a Thin Mint, are assholes. Besides, those guys, like you, are just trying to compete with the impossible standards they’ve built up in their own minds in order to compete with the other like-minded fools of their same sex. Essentially, I guess this is just as much a post for those guys as it is for you starving girls.

Strive to be healthy, strive to have a good figure but know what that is. Because just as you can be too big and unhealthy, you can also be too small and unhealthy. Instead of silently and passive aggressively competing with your peers who are doing the same, why don’t you all just accept reality and support one another. Be healthy together, not insane against one another. And most importantly, enjoy life and eat a fucking cheeseburger once in a while.

Besides, a great cheeseburger is better than sloppy mediocre sex with one of those jacked up pretty boys that you think you’re doing all this for. You know the dudes I’m talking about; the ones who are looking in the mirror instead of at you during your weekly one night stand.

2 thoughts on “Retro Relapse: Bitch, Eat a Cheeseburger

  1. You got me with the picture at the beginning…

    Anyway, I’ve always found this a weird one. As a guy, I find the ideal/most appealing type of figure to belong to somebody like Kate Upton or the actress Hayley Atwell (well worth a Google search btw) but – as you say – women are crazy about out-slimming one another. I look at the catwalk models and just can’t get excited unfortunately.

    Also, it must have affected the younger generation’s perception at some point because I often see the term “thicc” (in itself, a terrible de-evolution of the word “thick”) being used to describe women with average builds who I wouldn’t describe as especially voluptuous.

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